Eagle Star offers personalized tutoring and test preparation for students. We foster critical thinking and a love for learning with experienced tutors
The impact of the best teachers is immeasurable. Our tutors work one-on-one with your child to define goals, provide support, and help them reach their full potential
Get the most customized experience with a professional online tutor to help you tackle any subject, test prep, academic
Our tutors are highly experienced, with an average of 5 years in teaching. They have advanced degrees in education, humanities, and STEM fields. Our tutors are well-trained in the latest research-backed pedagogy and specialize in customized experiences to meet your student's exact needs
Every week our team will provide you with a video update from your child's tutor. The update will include comprehensive information about your child's progress to date . These updates are periodically reviewed by our Academic Advisor who ensures that your child is making significant progress towards their academic objectives.
Our Academic Advisors are the primary point of contact for parents and counselors. They oversee the tutoring process by helping to set goals and then monitoring the effectiveness of the tutoring
Please note that all prices are inclusive of a non-refundable $10 enrollment fee, which is waived during promotional periods. The prices mentioned above are applicable for a minimum of 12 hours per month, with three contacts per week, each lasting an hour. If you require more tutoring hours, please do not hesitate to contact us. Additionally, if you require additional features, such as homework help, we kindly request that you reach out to our customer service team.
At our organization, we are committed to creating unparalleled career opportunities for our tutors. We provide ongoing professional development, and our tutors are divided into four tiers based on their experience: Advanced, Distinguished, Premium, and Global Elite. If you are interested in learning more about our Distinguished, Premium, and Global Elite tutors, or if you would like to enroll in our 24- or 36-hour options, please get in touch with us.
We stand behind the quality of our tutors and are proud to offer a money-back guarantee.
Exceptional tutoring services for academic success. Personalized instruction. Highly qualified tutors. Flexible scheduling. Achieve your goals with us!
Boost your academic performance with our exceptional tutoring services. Personalized instruction, qualified tutors, flexible scheduling—your path to success starts here!
© 2024 Eagle Star Tutoring Center